Section 1: What is Scalar?
Let's Begin
In this tutorial, you'll:- gain an understanding of the publishing platform Scalar and its major features;
- be able to locate support material;
- learn how to create a "book;"
- learn how to create a "page" with media;
- learn how to create a "table of contents;" and
- learn how to create a "path" in a "book."
Section 1: What is Scalar?
Scalar is a free, open source publishing platform that’s designed for authors to write long-form, born digital scholarship online.Scalar enables users to assemble media from multiple sources and juxtapose them with their own writing in a variety of ways.
Scalar also gives authors tools to structure essay- and book-length works in ways that take advantage of the unique capabilities of digital writing, including nested, recursive, and non-linear formats.
Scalar’s platform also supports collaborative authoring and reader commentary.
Watch the short video below to gain a broad overview of Scalar's functionality and features.
Accessing Scalar
If you are a University of Kentucky faculty or staff member or student, you can request a CreateUK account. CreateUK is a personalized web-hosting service provided by UK Libraries on which you can install an instance(s) of Scalar to use for teaching, research, and/or learning purposes.
Another way to access and utilize Scalar is to contact The Alliance for Networking Visual Culture and register for a Scalar account.
Help & Support Documentation for Scalar
To learn more about Scalar visit the Scalar 2 User Guide, QuickStarts, and About Scalar.