Digital Literacy TutorialsMain MenuAboutAbout the Digital Literacy Tutorials ProjectSafety First: Best Practices in Digital Privacy & SecurityPlanning and Managing Your Digital ProjectCreating a Digital Project Using ScalarDigging for Gold: Text Mining Basics Using Digital ResourcesData Management for the HumanitiesJennifer Hootman1a5d5b15b4245d42bc454524d32e0c0506b2cec2
1media/book-933280_1920.jpg2020-10-14T21:55:25+00:00Section 2: Creating a Book13image_header2020-10-14T23:22:33+00:00
Section 2: Creating a Book
Once you have an instance of Scalar installed on your CreateUK account or have a free account set up through The Alliance for Networking Visual Culture (See: Section 1: What is Scalar?), log in. Creating a book is done in four quick steps.
(*Click on images below to enlarge.)
Step 1:
After you've logged in, click on the Dashboard link in the upper right corner of your screen.
Step 2:
Currently, there are two dashboards in Scalar. In order to use the upgraded, new Dashboard, click on the link "try it out" at the top of your screen.
Step 3:
Next, click on "Create New Book."
Step 4:
Now, you are ready to name your book. Type in your title. The subtitle is optional. And select "Book" in the Genre pop-down menu. However, if what you are creating is not really a book and more of an article or project, feel free to select what you think is most appropriate. When you are finished, click the "Create" button.
You should now see your newly created book listed under "Books" in your Dashboard.